Aransas Pass and Port Aransas

Odometer 27557

Trip meter 0 miles

One of the things I bought last week at Ikea in Dallas (Frisco) was a set of LED lights that I thought would work well for interior lighting in our motor home. I was delighted to find that several (I wrongly assumed all) of their lights worked on 12 volts DC power. I purchased a couple reading lamps with an LED light on the end of a flexible stalk for $10 each that on closer inspection work on 4 volts DC. Of course I found out the hard way when I wired one into the 12 volt wire in the bedroom and fried it! Thankfully, the other lights are 12V and seem to work well. We like the idea of diffused lighting in the evenings, the overhead lights are just too harsh, and we have task lights for reading, so the LED light strip at the top of the crown molding solves the problem.

Here I have just temporarily placed the lights to gauge the effect, in the final install I will conceal the wiring and install a wall switch.

After a morning of cleaning and fiddling with lighting, Joan and I took an excursion south to Aransas Pass, and from there, by ferry, over to Mustang Island and Port Aransas.

There is a fleet of 6 twenty vehicle, and two twenty-eight vehicle ferries that move cars and trucks from Aransas Pass over a short hop to Mustang Island and Port Aransas.

The Port of Corpus Christi is the fifth largest port in the US in terms of tons of material moving in and out. It turns out that all those ships have to come and go through the barrier islands in a narrow ship channel that includes Port Aransas.

We noticed this ship returning to the Gulf as we crossed on the ferry.
We wandered through the town of Port Aransas, and by the time we found the jetty that defines the ship channel, our container ship had made it to open ocean. We marveled at the construction of the jetty.
Turns out the jetty is made with Texas Pink granite blocks! Don't these guys know that these things should be used for counter tops and the exteriors of expensive high rise buildings?

Joan recognized that we left out a picture of the pier at our RV park so she snapped this photo so you could all see what we were describing.

One of the things that we are finding in our travels is that one has to let go of favorite brands that you once bought exclusively. For example we now have a new "favorite" brand of peanut butter, and a new microwave popcorn. As we move on we will most likely have other changes, some will be better some will be a compromise.

Joan adds that travelling a lot means occasionally waking up and having to take a quick moment to remember what town (park) you are in!

We hope you are all happy and well this Holiday Season.

Jeff and Joan


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