RV Lifestyle- Toys

As I was walking around the RV park this morning I was checking out what each of my neighbors had done to make their space all theirs.  And that is what we all do- carry along just what we need to make whatever space we are in- reflect our personality, needs, and desires.  Another thing many RVers do is either buy, bring, or rent a cart to get around in.   The variety of mobility options is what I wanted to share with you in this post.

The range of options is endless, but I'd say that it starts with bicycles.   The bikes shown here,  have strange proportions that make them look like clown bikes- however there is a purpose for the design.

Dahon 6 speed bikes

The bikes fold up to fit into the storage bays of an RV or inside a car trunk or the back compartment of a SUV.

This RVer brings his Victory motorcycle on a custom made carrier on the back of the motorhome that will allow him to drive on at ground level and then raise the motorcycle up to travel.  The regular 2" receiver hitch is still available to attach to a towed car.

Here is your basic un-modified golf cart.  It gets you around the park and down the street if you like. Looks like it would be tough to give your friends a ride with
you to breakfast, or the beach.

Here is a four seat model that should solve the problem of taking the neighbors with you.

 Now some would panic about not having the Dodge 4x4 Ram to drive- so there is this jacked-up model to carry them over until their next highway trip.

This bad boy has the high ground clearance and the knobbys that you need for some of the rough roads you'd expect in an RV park.  :->)

Then there are those who suffer separation anxiety about leaving the Rolls at home so they usually opt for this scale model of the real thing...

We have seen Corvette, Jeep, and even Hummer model golf carts in addition to this Rolls

Lastly there are RVers who have lots of things and have the means to bring them along.  We recently spotted this two story trailer.  He who has the most toys... well you get the idea.

Our own philosophy is that less is more.  At least for now, no boats, no carts and no garage for us.  In fairness, if we were staying in one place longer than a month, we probably would collect some stuff, but while we are still exploring the wide open spaces of the US- we will stay slim and trim.

 In our opinion this Margaritaville sign says it all- especially the 2nd sign from the bottom- "Dinner Is Poured"  This really is a laid back lifestyle!

Who knows- years from now maybe this is what we'll be calling home?

Until then, we've got some travelling to do!

Jeff and Joan


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