Seasons in the Sun
Odometer 29694
Trip meter 0
Mims, Florida
A nice soft day here in the Titusville area and Joan and I spent the day relaxing. I read Faye Kellerman on my Kindle, while Joan surfed her favorite blogs. At two in the afternoon we went to the movies to see Olympus has Fallen, and followed that with a driving tour of the area between Titusville and our RV Park in Mims.
We took a walk on the nature trail in our RV Park and marveled at the beautiful Spanish moss draped on the trees.
Spanish Moss is a plant and not a parasite or a true moss at all. The plant uses trees and taller shrubs as a perch but does not grow on or into the tree. Beard Lichen as the botonists call it, subsits on the moisture in the air for it's nutrients. Also know as an "air plant" the lichen does block some sunlight from the tree it is hanging from and does also increase the wind resistance of it's host- which can become a problem.
Joan was good enough to pick up a piece of fallen moss for me to photograph. Neither of us knew it at the time, but the lichen provides cover for bats, rat snakes and jumping spiders. (none of which inhabited this gob.)
Your traveling friends
Jeff and Joan
Trip meter 0
Mims, Florida
A nice soft day here in the Titusville area and Joan and I spent the day relaxing. I read Faye Kellerman on my Kindle, while Joan surfed her favorite blogs. At two in the afternoon we went to the movies to see Olympus has Fallen, and followed that with a driving tour of the area between Titusville and our RV Park in Mims.
We took a walk on the nature trail in our RV Park and marveled at the beautiful Spanish moss draped on the trees.
Spanish Moss is a plant and not a parasite or a true moss at all. The plant uses trees and taller shrubs as a perch but does not grow on or into the tree. Beard Lichen as the botonists call it, subsits on the moisture in the air for it's nutrients. Also know as an "air plant" the lichen does block some sunlight from the tree it is hanging from and does also increase the wind resistance of it's host- which can become a problem.

We've had our eye on the pool and spa at the Seasons In The Sun park where we are staying, and this evening looked perfect for us to take a soak and imbibe some red wine. There is a 3 pool complex that has a cool water lap pool, a warmer pool for general soaking and a hot tub that was at about 104 degrees.
What a life!Your traveling friends
Jeff and Joan
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